Focal ón bPríomhoide
Ar an gcéad lá de Mheán Fómhair, 2006 d’oscail Gaelscoil na Lochanna na doirse don chéad uair do pháistí na háite, scoil lán-Ghaelach agus idirchreideamhach. Tá sé i gceist againn ar fad rud speisialta a bhunú anseo . . . scoil atá níos mó ná scoil, . . . saol ina bheidh sonas bhur bpáistí mar an bun cloch, agus an Ghaeilge mar an chroí-lár.
A word from the Principal
On the first of September 2006, Gaelscoil na Lochanna opened its doors for the first time to children of surrounding areas. A fully-Irish interdenominational school. It is our intention to create something special here… a school that is more than a school… where your child’s happiness is the foundation and with the Irish language at the heart of it all.
Stair na Scoile / History of the School
I 2004, tháinig grúpa tuismitheoirí le chéile chun coiste bunaithe na scoile a bhunú. Tar éis dhá bhliain de dhianobair bunaíodh Gaelscoil na Lochanna agus d’oscail an scoil na doirse don chéad uair ar an 1ú Meán Fómhair 2006. Bhí 20 dalta cláraithe ar scoil ar an gcéad lá.
In 2004, a group of parents came together to form the founding committee of the school. After 2 years of hard work, Gaelscoil Na Lochanna was founded. We opened our doors for the first time on the 1st September 2006. 20 pupils enrolled. The rest as they say, is history.
Éiteas / Ethos
Is í an Ghaeilge teanga chumarsáide na scoile. Labhair linn as Gaeilge.
Cuirfimid béim áirithe freisin ar rudaí Ghaelacha a chur ar siúl sa scoil, idir ceol, spórt agus cultúr.
Irish is the language of communication of the school. We encourage the teachers, students and parents, the inspector and the Board of Management to speak in Irish. We encourage you to use the Irish that you know when you meet with us. We put an emphasis, too, on all things Irish i.e. Sports, Culture, Music.
Idircreidmheach / Interdenominational
Tá sainmheoin idirchreidmheach ag Gaelscoil Na Lochanna. Bíonn an reiligiún Caitliceach agus Eaglais na hÉireann á múineadh againn le linn am scoile. Is ghnách don reachtaire agus don sagart cuairt a thabhairt ar an scoil. Réiteofar na páistí do na sacraimintí le linn am scoile.
Our school is an inter-denominational school. Both Roman Catholic and Church of Ireland faiths are taught during school time. It is usual for both the Rector and the Priest to visit the school. Children are prepared for the sacraments during school hours.
Clárú / Enrolment
Más maith leat do pháiste a chlárú leis an scoil, ní mór duit ach an bileog clárú a líonadh. Tá na bileoga clárú agus tuilleadh eolas ar fáil ón oifig nó ar an nasc seo a leanas.
Parents wishing to enrol their children may fill out a pre-enrolment form (available from the school office). This puts the child on the school’s waiting list. In January of the relevant year, prospective parents are invited to attend an enrolment meeting. Further information meetings and an open day for new children are held in May / June.
Uaireanta Oscailte / School Hours
8.45 a.m. Osclaíonn an Scoil / School opens
1.25 p.m. Téann Naíonáin Bheaga & Naíonáin Mhóra abhaile / Junior and Senior Infants go home
2.25 p.m. Teánn Rang 1 – 6 abhaile / 1st – 6th class go home