Beidh an scoil ag dúnadh ar an 7ú Feabhra don lá iomláin (seachas do leathlá faoi mar a bhí pleanáilte).
Ar an lá sin beidh foireann na scoile ag tabhairt faoi thraenáil ar an gCuraclam Teanga nua.
The school will be closed on 7th February for the whole day (as opposed to half day that was planned).
This is to facilitate in-school training for the staff on the New Language Curriculum.
There is a set of training days being rolled out to schools over the next few years according to DES circular 45/2019.
Over the last few years and for the next few years- teachers in every primary school in Ireland ( all types of school, not just Gaelscoileanna) are being trained up in new ways to teach language (Irish and English) to match the changing needs of children in our society. For info on what it is all about please click here.
Do thuilleadh eolais ar na hathruithe sa Churaclam teanga- cliceáil anseo.
Má tá aon cheist ag aon duine faoin eolas thuas- tar i dteagmháil linn le do thoil.
If anyone has questions on the above please just get in touch.